Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Perfecting Almond Crescents.

Once again I have tried to make my grandmothers famed Almond Crescent Shortbread.
Using the same base recipe as last time although doubling it, but.... I didn't have all the ingredients that I needed, this time I lacked almond meal necessary, the recipe calls for 70 grams of Almond Meal, but then I have to double it, and I only had a 100g packet, so I thought I might put a teaspoon of Hazelnut meal in to make up for it.

Also, the mixture wouldn't stick together so I added another egg white and some butter... This did make the mixture more sticky but unfortunately it didn't fix the crumbliness of the cookie dough, so they were nearly impossible to shape into crescents, this was a major problem because I had doubled the mixture, meaning that I had made a ball of dough nearly as big as my head!

So after about 2 hours of carefully shaping cookie after cookie, I had finally cooked them to perfection (Golden) and they were ready to taste.
The cookies had a fairly bland taste, (this is because of the lack of Almond Meal) and they were far too crumbly, so crumbly in-fact that I could have had a competition to see if anyone could eat one without dropping a crumb.

I made a wonderful discovery while making these cookies:
We have a old oven it has a light, a dial for temperature and a very very unreliable timer.
So I would never have guessed that it would have anything as modern as "Fan Forced"
but as it turns out it not only has this but you can't tun it off! So I now have something to blame
every burned cookie I have ever made on.... The little sign on the side of the oven that says "Fan Forced" in decorative font (a Fan Forced oven is an oven that has a fan which moves the hot air around to stop the the oven form being hotter at the back than at the front, it also means that whenever you use fan forced you should turn your oven down approx. 20 degrees eg. 180 degrees (160 fan forced)).

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Grandmothers Recipe! (Almond Shortbread Crescents)

 These Cookies are an old favourite of mine, my grandmother used to make them for my Brother, my Sister and Me.
They are a pretty simple shortbread recipe. But they have "Vanillin Sugar" and almond meal.
 Which is very nice, and they are also rolled in icing sugar when they come out of the oven.
When I told my grandma about this, she      
 sent me some of these in the mail!
They were Delicious!
But when I tried to make them, My friend had recently used the oven, and had set a "Cook Timer" instead of the normal "Timer"
The cook timer is set to turn off the oven when the timer runs out, while the timer merely goes *Beep Beep Beep* and so the when the Cook Timer went off the oven went off and he took out his Muffins,
then I put my cookies in and the oven was off but still warm, so they slow-cooked for about 30mins before we realised that the oven was off.
This meant than they went rather flat!
Here is the recipe:

Almond Crescents
140 grams unsalted butter
 70 grams sugar
 170 grams self raising flour
 70 grams almond meal
 1 egg white
 1/2 (half) teaspoon Vanillin sugar
Mix all ingredients together,shape into crescents & bake in fan forced oven
at 160 degrees until golden brown.
Carefully remove from tray & put each in icing sugar mixed w/- 1/2 teaspoon vanillin sugar.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

"Minecraft" Birthday Present!

Today I made a similar recipe to the Speculaas but with Cocoa to make the biscuits Brown (This didn't really work) The Aim of this was for it to look like the game "Minecraft" because my friend who plays Minecraft with me had a birthday and I though that this would be a suitable present.
I also didn't add as much Baking soda. But the taste was still quite nice.

                                         At first I thought it would be really easy, then I realised a few problems:. The Cookie weren't brown enough, The cookie wasn't very thick and so for the cubes to be correctly shaped that I would be stuck with heaps of little cubes and also that (it was 11pm at night) I was tired and so when I was
cutting the shapes they turned out a bit sad, because as you can see I didn't cut them very evenly (Photo Right).

This is what it looked like at the end (Photo Below)
Finished Product.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dutch Spiced Cookie (Speculaas)

 These Cookies were AMAZING! but that might
 just be because they are my favourite type of Cookies, But I guess I shouldn't have posted them
Because there Biscuits not Cookies. 
This didn't stop them from being Crunchy, Soft, Good Texture and of course lovely Mixed Spice taste!
I would definitely recommend using this recipe.
And there is nothing That the recipe could improve on! But I did have a personal fault, I didn't put the oven on at the beginning! I forgot and did it while I was cutting out the shapes, And so I thought that to make the oven heat faster I would put it on 250 degrees Celsius And I forgot to fix it later. so
The first batch was Brilliant because the oven hadn't fully heated but the second batch was

 Burned on the outside and still soft on the inside. 
So remember to turn the oven on before you start to give it time to heat up!

250 g Flour
175 g Butter
140 g Brown Sugar
1 level Tablespoon ground mixed spice [or 2 if you love spices]
1 level Tablespoon ground cinnamon
1/2 Teaspoon ground cloves
50 ml Milk
2 pinches Baking Soda
Cream butter and sugar until soft and creamy, mix in other ingredients until a smooth soft dough is formed. Shape dough into two rolls of 3-5 cm diameter
Leave dough to rest 30 minutes in fridge for the spice flavor to develop.
Cut dough in 1 cm rounds and place on 2 lightly greased cookie sheets, with space for spreading. Alternatively you can also roll the dough out flat and cut out shapes. Bake at 180c for about 15 minutes or until cooked. Transfer to cooling rack or a cold cookie sheet until cold. Makes 40 biscuits
Optional: You can press crushed nuts, slivered almonds or a walnut on top of biscuits before baking.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Chocolate Cookies (Cookies #10)


Today I made Chocolate Cookies (Made up the recipe) These turned out okay. but..... They were a lot like Cake Mixture and not like Cookie Dough. They would have made good Muffins!
   For Ingredients look at Photo (above)

  The Method Is pretty simple
  1. Blend Oats and place in bowl with other dry ingredients.
  2. Melt Butter and pour into bowl with brown sugar. 
  3. Add eggs, Vanilla and any other wet ingredients.
  4. Sift dry ingredients into Mixture and stir.
  5. Roll into balls and place on baking tray, Then Cook at 170 degrees Celsius,    Until Liking.(Golden Brown)!  

Lemon Grass, Mint and Flower Petal Tea

 I cheated this time. My Dad bought some Already dried stuff (Peppermint, Spearmint, Flower leaves (Red) and Lemon grass. And I merely Mixed
Them together. But it tasted good. Not so sure that It would go to well with Cookies, But that doesn't really matter.

Cornflake Cookies...

 Now while cooking these cookies, I was a bit Distracted... And so I read the first half of this recipe and unfortunately, I guessed the last 2 steps.
Which meant that While it said "Roll dough into balls and roll in Cornflakes'
I thought (Guessed) that it said "Crush Cornflakes and add to mixture"
So I had a horrible grainy mixture.
And then, About the 3rd Batch, I Left them and went to watch TV, I came back 30mins later to find a Smoke-Filled Oven and some Burned pieces of black Char.

Unfortunately I seem to have lost the recipe.
(But thats not Necessarily a bad thing)But If you search "Cornflake Cookies" In Google I'm sure you will find it.