Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cookies the 2nd

Not quite as appetising

Well Here is the recipe.

approx. 100g butter
2 cups flour
1 cup brown sugar
pinch of cinnamon
pinch of salt
pinch of vanilla powder
a little vanilla essence
2 eggs

Melt the butter, put all the dry stuff together
add wet stuff and butter then mix.
place on tray at cookie heat (160-180c)
then eat them and tell me what they where like!

Hopeful Sugar Cookie

                            Okay so I am about to try making cookies for the 2nd time.

                                         This time I will use brown sugar, eggs and lots of butter.
                                         I don't know what type to make so I will just make plain ones .
                                         So if you want to make them then add something like chocolate
                                         or cinnamon.

                                         P.S I got that photo off google images just to give you an Idea what they
                                         will look like.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Now I have a mentor. her name is Belinda Jeffreys, she is a famous chef from around federal (NSW, Australia) she will give me advice on my cookies and will help me with the recipes.

My Teacher likes my PIP idea, and likes this blog as well. so that is all good.
Next time I make cookies, I will add brown sugar and eggs...
Yes I know its stupid of me not to add eggs but they were still okay.

My Rating.
Texture: 4/10
Taste:     8/10

They tasted very nice (probably because of the sugar content)
but the texture was nowhere Nowhere near Perfect!
That I blame on the lack of eggs.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My First Try at making cookies. They worked fairly well.
The texture wasn't quite right as I didn't add eggs.
but they tasted delicious.

It had:
3 cups flour.
2 cups sugar (I know its alot)
200g butter
half a tsp of baking powder
a pinch of cinnamon
a big pinch of cocoa
a big pinch of vanilla dusting sugar
some vanilla essence
a big pinch of salt
and some choc chips.

Now I personally hate recipes and dont use exact measurements
but I wrote them down approximately so you can try my cookies.
The method is the same as other cookies in all ways but one.
instead of just chucking the sugar in randomly I melted butter
with a little bit of water, the sugar and the vanilla essence.
melted them and let the sugar dissolve as if I were making toffee
then before it goes brown and toffee-like, as soon as the sugar is
dissolved then pour it into the dry stuff, add the choc chips and stir.
they spread a bit so don't go putting them close together.
serves as many as you want. depending on your hunger.

P.S the salt makes them addictive.