Friday, March 18, 2011

Cheaters Tea (Easy Tea)

Hopefully what my tea should look like.
This is my first post about tea.
I have attempted to make tea. (that isn't my tea!)
But I cheated, next time I will make it from scratch but this time I bought dried fruit from a local shop and then cut it up and poured boiled water onto it.
it tasted pretty bad, because the apricot took over the rest of the flavours, and it was very oily.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ingredients to cookies #3

This time the main difference was that I creamed the egg and butter together.
This made them delicious, Unfortunately it also made them sugary and the dough was a bit thick, which meant that when I went to put them on the tray they stood up, but fortunately they turned cookie shaped later on in the cooking process.
I don't have many photos for you because I was in a rush, you see dad invited friends over for dinner and while it was cooking I decided to make cookies.
The first batch were bland so I decided to add chocolate chips and cocoa.
Then they were good. 
Taste:           7/10
Texture:     7.5/10