Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dutch Spiced Cookie (Speculaas)

 These Cookies were AMAZING! but that might
 just be because they are my favourite type of Cookies, But I guess I shouldn't have posted them
Because there Biscuits not Cookies. 
This didn't stop them from being Crunchy, Soft, Good Texture and of course lovely Mixed Spice taste!
I would definitely recommend using this recipe.
And there is nothing That the recipe could improve on! But I did have a personal fault, I didn't put the oven on at the beginning! I forgot and did it while I was cutting out the shapes, And so I thought that to make the oven heat faster I would put it on 250 degrees Celsius And I forgot to fix it later. so
The first batch was Brilliant because the oven hadn't fully heated but the second batch was

 Burned on the outside and still soft on the inside. 
So remember to turn the oven on before you start to give it time to heat up!

250 g Flour
175 g Butter
140 g Brown Sugar
1 level Tablespoon ground mixed spice [or 2 if you love spices]
1 level Tablespoon ground cinnamon
1/2 Teaspoon ground cloves
50 ml Milk
2 pinches Baking Soda
Cream butter and sugar until soft and creamy, mix in other ingredients until a smooth soft dough is formed. Shape dough into two rolls of 3-5 cm diameter
Leave dough to rest 30 minutes in fridge for the spice flavor to develop.
Cut dough in 1 cm rounds and place on 2 lightly greased cookie sheets, with space for spreading. Alternatively you can also roll the dough out flat and cut out shapes. Bake at 180c for about 15 minutes or until cooked. Transfer to cooling rack or a cold cookie sheet until cold. Makes 40 biscuits
Optional: You can press crushed nuts, slivered almonds or a walnut on top of biscuits before baking.

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